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"You can't sell an ice cream with a click-through"


Ad Tech Digital Out Of Home Gaming
Ad Tech Digital Out Of Home Gaming Measurement Mobile and In-App Video

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Every year people spend around $60 billion on ice cream. That's a lot of lolly. Ice cream is widely advertised on TV and on billboards. But in mobile games? Not so much.

There's an obvious reason for this. The most popular ad formats – banners, interstitials, etc – support measurable performance advertising. They exist to encourage players to do something.

Quite often this 'something' is to download a competitor's game. It's certainly not to improve brand recall of popular frozen desserts.

Kristan Rivers, CEO of AdInMo, knows this well. In a video interview, he says. "All the inventory in gaming is direct response," he says. "It's 'click here, go do something". This doesn't work for brand advertising. You can't sell an ice cream with a click-through."

He set up AdInMo to make it happen. AdInMo's immersive ad platform lets developers build contextual ads into their games. The ads are highly visible and effective (in terms of recall), but they require no click. This makes them perfect for brand awareness.

AdInMo’s InGamePlay brand advertising platform serves click-free immersive ads without interrupting game flow. We deliver engaged audiences for advertisers and quality monetization for mobile games developers & publishers by offering authentic brand experiences that keep players happy. Our global mobile reach and InGamePlay inventory enables advertisers to target premium audiences and developers to generate additional revenue without impacting the player experience.

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By Amy Donlan, Marketing Coordinator


AdInMo’s InGamePlay brand advertising platform serves click-free immersive ads without interrupting game flow. We deliver engaged audiences for advertisers and quality monetization for mobile games developers & publishers by offering authentic brand experiences that keep players happy. Our global mobile reach and InGamePlay inventory enables advertisers to target premium audiences and developers to generate additional revenue without impacting the player experience.

Posted on: Thursday 25 March 2021