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Why is measurement so important in a cookieless world?


Ad Tech Brand Safety Consumer Behaviour
Ad Tech Brand Safety Consumer Behaviour Contextual Targeting Measurement

This content was created by an IAB UK member

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Businesses need to seek new ways to measure success and performance across their digital media ecosystem, writes Silverbullet's Charlie Pinkney. The question is, how?

Then, and now

The ability to measure with accuracy continues to be a core driver behind the ongoing shift to digital media. However, much of this measurement was, and still is, focused on the exposure of an ad placement, often derived from cookie data. 

In 2018 (m)adtech changed drastically; GDPR came into force, Apple released its ITP 2.0, and the measurement landscape changed instantly. Subsequently, we’ve witnessed a continued focus on global consumer privacy, notably with the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), as well as Apple’s 2021 iOS update 14.5, which featured a new consent protocol called App Tracking Transparency (ATT). The paradigm shifted and now we ask what does the future look like?

It’s all about data

The end of third-party cookies is not the end of data. Not by a long stretch. Instead, it’s the start of something new. Something better.

First-party acquired data is the beating heart of a successful marketing strategy, simply down to it being the truest form of information about your audiences. Tapping into first-party data delivers the richest insights surrounding customers, behaviours and how best to offer true value exchange. It’s only via first-party data that brands can confidently link various touchpoints, connect the dots between numerous disparate interactions, events, and instances, and create the ever sought out “360-degree view” to really understand who customers are.

Forrester has coined the term “zero-party data,” which it defines as: “Data that a customer intentionally and proactively shares with a brand. It can include preference centre data, purchase intentions, personal context, and how the individual wants the brand to recognise them.”

And lest not forget, third-party data is still very much present today. Despite the claims surrounding its inaccuracy, businesses should be taking as much learning from this data source as possible. By understanding the content consumed by third-party audiences, businesses can future proof their consumer-centric strategies so they are prepared for the cookieless future.

We are all being forced to look at our marketing differently. But is that a bad thing? Of course it isn’t. To thrive in the next chapter of (m)adtech, businesses need to look at the way they nurture their customers, and what the nature of their relationship truly is. And this begins with data. (Why not speak to the Silverbullet experts to discover how.)

Transparency cannot be overstated

The importance of a clear, transparent value exchange cannot be overstated. Transparency empowers advertisers to make smarter decisions that take their digital marketing to the next level. For instance, if you know that the traffic you acquire from one publisher is more profitable than from another, you can adjust your bids accordingly. All of this optimisation can be completed without a cookie, based solely on the context surrounding the user’s visit.

And this is why contextual targeting is so hot right now.

Contextual 2.0 takes a new, holistic and nuanced approach to reaching consumers in the right place, moment and time. Next generation solutions such as 4D: Context Outcome Engine, build contextual targeting initiatives around ‘real people’ modelled from external data sources. It’s important to note, solutions such as 4D are unbiased towards the type of content your audiences are engaging in - but focus on the  relevancy and delivering the right message in the right context - no matter what that context is. 

In order to make the most of your contextual data, you’ll need advanced partners who can help you process this information and uncover the insights and learnings that allow you to adjust your strategies for maximum performance. But without transparency, you’re simply flying blind.

Future-proofed measurement to drive outcomes

Throughout (m)adtech, a brands’ success metrics come in various shapes and sizes. Let’s take a look at two examples, starting with the most granular and tangible metrics, to some general marketing metrics which brands strive for.

Let’s look at programmatic trading teams that handle campaign activation in Demand Side Platforms (DSPs). Programmatic traders define success metrics that typically analyse clicks, views, time on page – tangible metrics that they can optimise on. 

On the flip side, marketers define success a little differently and often refer to them as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These metrics include, driving brand awareness, increasing conversions and boosting visibility across new product lines.

While both sets of teams have a unified goal to drive success and outcomes for a campaign, the challenge lies in the fact that the individual metrics do not align, creating a huge disconnect in how we measure success. 

As the industry evolves and new technologies emerge, brands will need measurement solutions that marry the disconnect between outcomes and KPIs, identify the correlation between activities, and offer strategies that rely on contextual as the new starting point.

Solutions such as 4D are able to identify the correlation between metrics such as indexing and the impact certain tangible keywords can have that drive a higher CTR, and insights into specific contexts that can improve their outcomes. Moreover, these advanced technologies and activation teams are able to have full transparency into how they can improve their campaign. This is possible because Contextual 2.0 was designed for brands to have learnings and actionable insights at their fingertips.

It is finally time to say goodbye to the old ways of working, and future-proof measurement with a multi-level holistic framework that is privacy-safe and fully transparent. 

Want to find out more?

Drop me a line, at [email protected] 

By Charlie Pinkney, Business Development Director


Silverbullet Group is a data and digital transformation company that delivers future-proofed solutions for a privacy-first, post-cookie era. The group's combination of technology and expert professional services encompasses first-party data strategy and customer journey activation advisory, adtech and martech services, and a contextual intelligence engine that generates powerful business outcomes and customer-centric experiences

Posted on: Friday 11 February 2022