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The numbers, people & methods behind opting out of people-based targeting


Ad Tech Consumer Behaviour Contextual Targeting
Ad Tech Consumer Behaviour Contextual Targeting User Experience User Identity

This content was created by an IAB UK member

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We surveyed a representative sample of 2000 UK consumers, to understand their current online privacy behaviours and how they have changed in recent years

Top findings

  • The majority of internet users (70%) are now blocking cookies or otherwise masking their personal information on a weekly basis. For example, browsing in private or incognito mode, using Safari as their main browser or regularly clearing their cookie cache. 
  • People who use private browsing are also spending a significant amount of time doing so – on average nearly half (48%) of their time online. And the problem is growing – almost a third (29%) say they spend more time browsing privately compared to a year ago. 
  • When asked why they have become more conscious about online privacy in recent years, ad tracking was cited as the number one reason. Two fifths (42%) said this had made them more privacy conscious in the past three years, more than data breaches (31%) or being targeted by online scammers (31%).  
  • A greater awareness of online privacy is also causing people to question the assumed value exchange the entire advertising ecosystem is built upon – that free content is provided in return for sharing personal data. When asked if their personal data was a fair exchange for a free service, just as many respondents agreed as disagreed (30%). However, the vast majority believe change is needed, with 63% saying advertisers should find a better way to make ads relevant that does not rely on collecting personal information. 
  • The report also highlights that there is a major opportunity for advertisers who are mindful of this sentiment. More than half (52%) of people say they would be more likely to choose a brand if it could prove it never collected or used any personal information for advertising. 

By Vanessa O'Connell, Head of Marketing

Nano Interactive

Nano is an IAB Gold Standard Certified, live intent identity-free targeting solution (LIIFT ™) that understands the live intent of users plus the deeper meaningsentiment & emotion of the campaign environment to deliver measurable campaign results including uplifts across all key brand metrics.

Posted on: Wednesday 31 May 2023