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The Impact of Cookie Syncing on Data Leakage and Energy Consumption


Ad Tech User Identity
Ad Tech User Identity

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ID5 has commissioned a study with Sincera to assess the damaging implications of cookie syncing by looking at 63,604 domains

The advertising world as we know it is changing. Third-party cookies are on their way out, yet they are still available and heavily used in Chrome today. Many are unaware of the consequences that cookie syncing presents for publishers, such as piggybacking and energy consumption.

To explore this in more detail and quantify the scale of the problem, ID5 has commissioned a study with Sincera to assess the damaging implications of cookie syncing by looking at 63,604 domains.

By downloading this study, you can expect to gain real insights and data into the true scale of the problem when it comes to the negative effects of cookie syncing for publishers. Specifically, we take a deep dive into the following topics:

  • Piggybacking: Cookie syncing often occurs without publishers’ knowledge or approval. From this, compliance issues arise because publisher partners obtain data without the publisher’s consent and share that data with other unauthorised third-party vendors.
  • Energy consumption: Cookie matching is an incredibly inefficient and energy-intensive process, resulting in significant unnecessary network traffic.

Click here to download the study

By Alex Taylor, PR & Content Manager


ID5 is the independent shared identity infrastructure for ad tech platforms and premium publishers.

Posted on: Wednesday 18 January 2023