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Behind the screens: TV viewing habits in the UK


Ad Tech Connected TV Consumer Behaviour
Ad Tech Connected TV Consumer Behaviour Market Overview Video

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MiQ has partnered with Sapio to survey 1,200 consumers and advertisers across brands and agencies in the UK. Their report deep dives into the key insights and findings

The way we consume content isn’t what it used to be. With more eyeballs, more screens, and more consumer options than ever, it’s essential that campaigns resonate on the same wavelength as consumers. It’s no secret that the way consumers are watching TV has evolved and it’s now more fragmented than ever. But what are those changes and how will they drive opportunities for advertisers and marketers?

This is where MiQ's latest report comes in. To answer those questions, MiQ has partnered with Sapio to survey 1,200 consumers and advertisers across brands and agencies in the UK. This report deep dives into the key insights and findings.

Here’s a quick look at what you can find inside:

  • How consumers are consuming TV, and where.

  • How UK advertisers are evaluating Advanced TV success.

  • Advertiser insights to maximise ad engagement and results.

By Cristian Berni, UK Marketing Manager


We’re MiQ, a programmatic media partner for marketers and agencies. We connect data from multiple sources to do interesting, exciting, business-problem-solving things for our clients. We’re experts in data science, analytics and programmatic trading, and we’re always ready to react and solve challenges quickly, to make sure you’re always spending your media investments on the right things in the right places. Please visit us at

Posted on: Friday 15 December 2023

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