Hello! My name is Mike and I work at the IAB as Head of Industry Initiatives. A big part of my job is to make sure I keep up to date with the latest industry news and developments. So, with that in mind, I have compiled my top Twitter accounts to follow, online magazines to read, podcasts to listen to, and YouTube channels to watch. Make sure you check them out before your next interview so you can impress with your digital knowledge and eagerness to learn about the industry.
Twitter accounts to follow:
@IABUK – one of the best follows to get yourself up to speed with the latest happenings in our industry.
@TheDrum – great for learning about a variety of different topics and companies within the advertising industry.
@simonbigpicture – if you love mobile technology as much as me then Simon is the follow for you.
@brucedaisley – you’re in safe hands with Bruce. He works at Twitter and tweets a lot about work culture and pop music.
@rorysutherland – Rory is an advertising legend. Follow for lots of fascinating insight on creativity.
@Econsultancy – great for the latest stats and facts about digital advertising and beyond.
@BigYGroup – a great follow for tips on how to build a successful career.
@BBCClick –perfect for keeping you up to date with wacky new tech.
@GuardianJobs – a must follow if you’re on the hunt for a job!
Podcasts to listen to:
The IAB UK Podcast – packed full of industry news and interesting perspectives on current trends within the digital industry.
Shiny New Object – interviews with some seriously compelling guests talking all about new technology and the impact it has on our lives.
Eat Sleep Work Repeat – a must-listen before you start your first job because it’s all about how to be productive and, more importantly, how to have fun while you work!
How I Built This with Guy Raz – each week Guy interviews people who have invented some of the biggest companies in the world. My personal favourite episode is with Jerry Murrell, the person behind Five Guys. If you like burgers, you’ll love this!

YouTube channels to watch:
IAB UK – obviously my favourite YouTube channel and a really great place to find videos about all things digital advertising. Top tip – check out our speaker sessions from our annual Engage event on here. Think Ted Talks but all about digital.
Google tutorials – this isn’t an official YouTube channel but if you search ‘Google tutorials’ in YouTube you’ll find tons of videos about how to use Google products you’ll no doubt be using when you start working (you might also find Google Help useful).
Wired – this my ‘go to’ channel if I ever have a spare 20 minutes. You’ll find videos on all sorts of interesting topics from all sorts of interesting people.
Ted – there is no better place to learn about how technology is changing the world we live in. Make sure you have a couple of hours spare for this channel as once you watch one video you won’t be able to stop yourself watching the next!
Online magazines to read:
The Drum – stacked with excellent articles on creativity, tech, industry trends, interviews with the who’s who in digital, and video content.
MarketingWeek – loads of great articles about your favourite brands.
Wired – a fun all round read covering everything from technology through to science and culture.
ExchangeWire – a great read for any budding tech enthusiasts (and don’t worry if you don’t understand all of it, neither do I!).
TechCrunch – a one-stop-shop for learning about innovation, gadgets, and interesting new companies.
So there you have it – my secrets to making sure I sound knowledgeable when I’m talking to my friends and colleagues (shhhhh, don’t tell them!).
My main piece of advice when interviewing for jobs (which can be a daunting thought) is to know slightly more than the other candidates. By reading, watching, and listening and you’ll be sure to wow people with your knowledge. Good luck!