Media Smart & Advertising Association publish political advertising guide

Posted on Tuesday 07 May 2024

The advertising and media industry’s education programme has partnered with the Ad Association to support young people understand the ads they may see in election season

Media Smart has partnered with the Advertising Association to publish ‘What’s the deal with political advertising?’, a new 10-point guide to help young people preparing to vote for the first time.

Media Smart worked with youth focused creative agency, Livity, including how platforms are responding to digital and AI-generated content and how to navigate misinformation.

Rachel Barber-Mack, Executive Director, Media Smart, said: “In this year of elections, we want to help young people, especially those preparing to vote for the first time, fully understand political advertising.

“Research shows nearly half trust political advertisements, but a similar level have concerns. We have a responsibility to make sure they know how to read, check, and understand any advertising information received to help inform their voting decisions."

The guide follows recent Credos research that showed that young people are most likely to trust political advertising (48% of 18-34s compared to just 13% of over 55s), but also had the highest levels of concern (49% of 18-34s compared to 44% of all people, 46% of 35-54s and 38% of 55+).

The resources can be downloaded via Media Smart’s website here.



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